Clemson quarterbacks, Garrett Riley showcase new mustaches

The Clemson quarterbacks are, apparently, making it a point to grow out mustaches through fall camp — at least as best as they can. And new offensive coordinator Garrett Riley has joined in on the action.
In a video that Clemson football shared on X/Twitter on Wednesday, Riley and the four Clemson quarterbacks — Cade Klubnik, Christopher Vizzina, Hunter Helms and Trent Pearman — discussed their facial hair. Or lack thereof.
“It’s ‘stache season. Time to get dirty. Just a quarterback thing. But I felt like I probably needed to probably get involved, starting this thing off right,” Riley said, sporting a full but minimal mustache.
The quarterbacks, though, varied in their ability to produce a mustache.
“I’m just trying to grow it out. This is my first time trying to grow it so we’ll see what happens. Doing pretty good right now,” Vizzina said, the true freshman with some noticeable facial hair above the lip.
Pearman, a redshirt freshman, apparently hadn’t begun when the video was filmed, so the only available look is the “before.” But his tone didn’t seem to indicate he expected much growth.
“I’m going to try it. Hunter Helms probably has the best one. We’re going to see what I can grow. This is before and a month from now we’ll see what happens,” Pearman said.
Cut to Helms, the redshirt junior leaning over and discussing the finer points of his mustache, and his desire to grow one.
It was just a matter of desire meeting opportunity. And his facial hair was much better than either of the younger quarterbacks already featured. Though it might not get any more impressive.
“You know, it’s a long process. I’ve been waiting for this day for years. I got an opportunity to grow one out and you know, I took full advantage. This is about as far as I’m going to get, though,” Helms said.
But what about QB1? The question might not be “What does Cade Klubnik look like with a mustache?” and “Can Cade Klubnik even grow a mustache?”
He seemed to give a bit of a clue in his brief appearance.
“Mines looking real good. There’s nothing there,” Klubnik said, rubbing his upper lip.
So, in a lot of ways, Riley showcased his new mustache as the quarterbacks tried in vain to catch up or even grow a mustache at all. Check back in a few weeks to see how Pearman is doing with his.
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